Important Bulletins

November 10, 2019

Terms of the BCTGM 50G Executive Board will expire on November 16th 2022. Nominations for officers shall be made on August, 2022 at the regular morning and evening union meetings. Election of officers shall be held by mail ballot on the 2nd Wednesday of October , 2022. Notice of the election shall be sent to all members at their last known home address at least fifteen ( 15) days prior to the election.

Any member wishing to run for Local Office per Article XVI Section II of the BCTGM International Union bylaws, must be a continuously good standing, dues paying member of the International Union and the Local Union for a period of two (2) years.

September 23, 2015
Important Information
All Executive Board Meeting are held the first Wednesday of each month     More Info

2022 Election Update


Where We Are Union, We Are One!

Meeting Information

BCTGM50g meetings take place once a month on the second Wednesday of every month at 8:00am, 1:00pm and 4:00pm at the union office located at 8984 J Street, Omaha. Any dues paying member in good standing are eligible to attend.